When I Started Loving Myself


When I started loving myself, I’ve understood that I’m always and at any given opportunity in the right place at the right time. And I’ve understood that all that happens is right – from then on I could be calm. Today I know, it’s called TRUST.

When I started loving myself, I could recognize that emotional pain and grief are just warnings for me to live against my own truth. Today I know, it’s called AUTHENTICALLY BEING.

When I started loving myself, I have stopped longing for another life and could see that everything around me was a request to grow. Today I know, it’s called MATURITY.

When I started loving myself, I’ve stopped depriving myself of my free time and I’ve stopped sketching further magnificent projects for the future. Today I only do what’s fun and joy for me, what I love and what makes my heart laugh, in my own way and in my tempo. Today I know, it’s called HONESTY.

When I started loving myself, I’ve escaped from all what wasn’t healthy for me, from dishes, people, things, situations and from everything pulling me down and away from myself. In the beginning I called it the “healthy egoism”, but today I know, it’s called SELF-LOVE.

When I started loving myself, I’ve stopped wanting to be always right thus I’ve been less wrong. Today I’ve recognized it’s called HUMBLENESS.

When I started loving myself, I’ve refused to live further in the past and to worry about my future. Now I live only at this moment where EVERYTHING takes place, like this I live every day and I call it CONSCIOUSNESS.

When I started loving myself, I recognized, that my thinking can make me miserable and sick. When I though requested for my heart forces, my mind got an important partner. I call this connection today HEART WISDOM.

We do not need to fear further discussions, conflicts and problems with ourselves and others since even stars sometimes bang on each other and create new worlds.  Today I know THIS IS THIS LIFE!


(A poem written by Charlie Chaplin on his 70th birthday on April 16, 1959.)

Thank You!



Thank You, Diyos, for the gift of life and love; of family and friends; of health and healing; of music and passion; of time and talents and treasures; of places and things; of presents and presence (most especially on stormy weathers). Thank you for the rainbow connections which brought me to the wonders and wanders of this Universe.

Thanks to the Family who are friends and Friends who are family.  Guys, you have been my travel buddies in this journey called life. Northbound or southbound; westbound or eastbound; downtown or uptown, you are by my side. Even at busy times, you are sure to find ways to be there with me as if you and I had made a pact that to be there for each other is what matters most,

We traveled through those long and winding roads, even through the ones which are less traveled and we travel still until the point of no return.  We crossed together those bridges even the ones hanging over troubled waters. We giggled and tickled through happy times and  we laughed hilariously still even through the bad and fart times just so we would see a hint of that certain smile; and we rocked them all through the fire and through the rain.

Together, we set our visions and missions and goals.  Together we rose and fell; and rose and fell again and again as we let the cycle continue until we progress to attain what we have set.  We celebrate small victories knowing that these will lead to bigger ones.  We still have a long way to go, but I believe that if we hold on together, our dreams will never die hoping that one day soon we will find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Guys, I believe I can count on you still, as I continue with the journey.

What more can I ask for?  🙂

Prayer for Healing


Oh Heavenly Father, we praise your holy name for you are our all-knowing God, and in this trying times, you are our healer and provider.

We pray for all the victims of the calamities: typhoons, earthquakes, armed conflict that have befallen us.

For the survivors, we pray that you give them strength to overcome the trauma of their experiences and the hope that despite what they’re going through, they have a loving Father who will heal all their wounds; for those who are still missing, we pray for safety and that they may be found soonest if only to bring peace of mind and joy to their loved ones; and for those who perished, we pray that you welcome them in your heavenly home and embrace and cradle them with your loving arms.

For our public officials, rescuers, donors, volunteers, private institutions and individuals who have given their time, talents and service, we pray for patience, strength and resilience as they facilitate all efforts to bring relief and for the rehabilitation of all affected areas.

For our country, Lord we have already suffered so much from all these devastation and divisions in our government and people.  We pray for healing as a nation; we pray for strength in body and spirit, we pray that we rise above all these challenges because our God is mightier than any storm.

For every Filipino, we pray, strengthen our faith; use us as instrument in building a better country starting with our families and communities.

photo courtesy of ph.news.yahoo.com

photo courtesy of ph.news.yahoo.com

Help us realize that despite all these trials, we are still blessed more than what we deserve because we have a loving Father who will never leave us even at the darkest moments of our lives.

We feel you Lord in the overwhelming response when we cried for help from our fellow Filipinos here and elsewhere around the world.

We feel you in the children who have donated their piggy banks and from the lady soldiers who have donated their breast milk to feed motherless babies in rescue centers.

We feel you in the tourists who, instead of enjoying their holidays in this beautiful country, have helped in the repacking of goods in relief centers.

We feel you in the outpouring of prayers from our brothers and sisters from all over the world.

We feel you in the soldiers and policemen who are ready to risk their lives just to put law and order in the devastated areas.

We feel you in the good people in our government who have slept very little since the typhoon hit because they have to coordinate aid efforts; fix roads; assess the damage, restore order, and channel goods and services to where they are needed most.

We feel you in the media people who have braved the storm even if it meant endangering their own lives just to bring us news and updates.

We feel you in the inspiring stories of compassion and heroism from survivors despite their tragic loss and even if a few have become wayward.

We feel you in social media where we were able to trace most of our relatives and friends.

We feel you in the tremendous generosity of several world leaders in pouring in all kinds of assistance, be it in cash, in kind, in pledges or in humanitarian services, both in medical and military aid.

We feel you in the Philippines’ negotiation team to this year’s UN Climate Talks in Warsaw, which pleads with the global community to wake up to the effects of climate change and take preventative action, while there is still time.

For all of these blessings and many more, we thank you Lord for your Omnipresence in our journey as a people and as a nation.

These things we pray in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.


In our quest for personal excellence, here is a very vital piece of advice. Be careful of the company you keep. Your friends could either be the wind beneath your wings or they may be the anchor around your feet. Their influence on you is very subtle but believe me, you are affected by it. Even The Bible says bad company corrupts good morals. Happened to me and I wasn’t even conscious about it. Until I broke free and began to achieve things I have been told I could not. Has this happened to you?… Francis Kong

It Really Hurts! :(


It really hurts when some people suddenly change after getting what they wanted from you. Before getting it they can shower you with gifts, take you out, call and text you all the time, and comfort you just because they are targeting something. When it’s done they pretend to be so sweet with sugar coated love, the next day they are not. One day they need you around them, the next day they are too busy for you. One day you are so important to them, the next day you are worthless. One day they love you, the next day they don’t care about you and they don’t wanna know how you are.

That’s how ironic people and love can be, pretty lies wrapped up in glittering ribbons…

An excerpt from The Book of Quotes

Thankful and Blessed

Overwhelming is how i’ll describe 2012 and we haven’t even said our goodbyes yet. Now I can say, whatever has or will happen, no matter what challenges I have and will face, or how many heights I will still climb, or how many people I’ve loved and loved me, when all is said and done and I take that final look over my shoulder, what will humble me the very most is knowing that I am a child of God and that without HIM, I am nothing.

Thankful because I am blessed; or blessed because I am thankful? It doesn’t matter for I believe I am both. Thankful for I have a family who are also my friends and blessed because I have friends whom I have chosen to be my family. Thankful because I am blessed to be a blessing.



My Dearest God,

Thank You!

Thank you for the golden years (plus, plus 🙂 ), filled with all kinds of colors. I believe you love me too much that I can say, in my life,  there had been more joys than pain;  and that despite all the pruning I would always emerge the victor knowing that your love will see me through.

Thank you for  the gift of life. Thank you for today, another day to become the better person that you wanted me to be.   Thank you for tonight, another time to rest and recharge.

Thank You for your gift of nature, for the golden sun, the blue sky, the white clouds, the green trees, the gentle wind. Thank You for the beauty of Your creation, we so often take for granted.

Thank You for all the blessings.   I have money to do what I want most: travelling; to pay for all my daily needs and even some more to help others in need, not only of material things but for emotional support.

Thank you for I have eyes to see, ears to hear, tongue to taste and speak.  Thank You for I have nose to smell the flowers, I have hands to touch, to encode, to text, to carry my things . Thank you I have mind to imagine beautiful things, and a heart that loves, and a life to touch other lives.

Thank You, I have my family and friends, the people I  love and who I believed love me in return.

Thank You for pushing me to accept challenges I thought I could never surpass.  They molded me and equipped me. They made me a wiser and a better person, striving to be compassionate, understanding and loving.

Thank You for the joy, hope, peace and love You plant each day in my heart .

Thank You I can write this post now to be able to share your goodness and your love. And now may I say, “I love you too.”

With all my love,


All I Want for Christmas :)

We usually associate the Christmas season with gift-giving (or gift-swapping) as an expression of love and appreciation to people who mattered.  Sometimes, we even identify motifs to make the job easier for the giver.

Since you are an important component of my social circle, I’d like to give you an idea on what I really want this Christmas based on the themes listed below.

Something small:   a picture of you with me..

Something big:   an enlarged picture of you and me.. 

Something cute:  of course, another picture of you with me with a puppy in between… cute di ba?

Something soft:  hmmm… something made of cotton.. a pillow, yes a pillow.. or maybe a huggable teddy 🙂

Something techie:   an IPAD.. WOW!  the simplest gift of all 🙂

Something red:   your blood… Joke lang, Vampire! Twilight effect   seriously though, a red stiletto.. joke pa rin pala 🙂

Something wearable:  earrings.. dangling earrings singing ding-a-ling   

Something you need:  just a little LOVE.. sabi kasi ni mike, ‘Give Love on Christmas day! 

Something sweet:  just YOU, thinking about.. hmmm.. sweet ka, d iba? 

Note: Re-written after attending my first Christmas Party this year, (courtesy of course, of PhilMSTQ) 01 December 2012, UP University Hotel.

Disclaimer: not original… adopted the idea from a blog subscription which is out of memory now.. mahirap na ma-sotto, di ba?